Saturday, June 8, 2013

Manifest destiny

There is a period of great change. Many things that worked in the past no longer do. Life itself is a rhythm. It is a vibration, a pulsation at the very heart of all that is. Within the universe there are no limits. For all of life exists as a tool of your own creation and all its events puts forward opportunities for you to choose and be who you are. In other words, you are the creator of your reality. And life illustrates no other way for you, than that way in which you think it will. You are the author of everything that happens to you.

Life is an ongoing process of creation. You are creating your reality every minute. Life is how you make it. There is always choice. There are endless possibilities. Be open to what will happen. Just because you think you cannot reach it one way does not mean there is not another. There are new and different ways waiting to be discovered. There is really more than one way to see the world. Give yourself opportunities.

I believe life is our greatest possession. All of life is a gift. It is truly incredible. It is truly amazing.  Live your life making the greatest value with every moment in your life. Life happens through us. Life is to be lived.

 A thought for the day:

"Make things small enough to cope and large enough to feel joyful."