Saturday, November 23, 2013

Thanks and Giving

Each year at Thanksgiving, many Americans share what they are grateful for or bow their heads in prayer to give thanks. You and I have much to be grateful for but there are many people whose life experience are stuck in survival mode.

You know we live in a society that's in a mad rush for stuff. America is the only country in the world where people have a two car garage filled with stuff, and a $15,000 to $25,00 car sitting in the driveway because they cannot get it in because of the stuff. The irony of it all, we are in a mad rush for more stuff. We want better and newer. The advertising entice us - its "new and improved" and we need this. We deserve this and we say "okay" and buy more stuff. 

If you ever feel if anything in your life is not enough, appreciate the abundance in your life. Even in the most apparently awful situations, we can derive some benefit if we have the right mindset.

When it comes to gratitude, the word that jumped out at me throughout is practice. I found these words to be a call to action. And because we manifest what we feel, we unconsciously create circumstances in our lives. Then there is a tendency to react to those circumstances.

Remember the spirit of the season. Celebrate the simple joys of the season. This the perfect time to renew connections with family, and friends . Engage all of your senses to appreciate the special sounds, sights and the smells that are the memories of a lifetime.

I believe, thankfulness is a state of being and a way of life, and we usually fail to live in state of thankfulness because we take it for granted,  In other words, being thankful is expressed through our attitude in living life.

Wishing you a joy filled thankful season of giving and receiving.

A thought for the day

Emerson said that if the stars came out only once a year, everybody would stay up all night to behold them.

We have seen the stars so often that we do not bother to look at them anymore. In like manner, we have grown accustomed to our blessings that we do not show kindness. During this holiday season let all of us remember to show love and be thankful.