Friday, December 13, 2013

Trust Self-

All answers are inside you. Have you noticed, we keep searching and searching for "something" when everything is already within us. Embrace all parts of yourself. Trust that you are on a path pursuing your own inner growth and discovery in whatever way that is appropriate for you. There are many layers of truth to understand. See the truth of your inner strengths, see the truth of your inner weaknesses. Learn how your mind attaches so you can learn how to detach. In other words, recognize how you co-mingle with life. Claim responsibility for your actions in whatever way appropriate. It is in the silence that you get the answers.

Enjoy and celebrate life. Honor the child within. Be playful and joyful. Life is a state of ease. Live in balance. We all learn from everyone.

A thought for the day:

A Teaching from one of my teachers' "It is up to me to choose to believe in anything, including believing in myself.