Monday, August 11, 2014

Mixed emotions

Almost everyone who enjoys traveling is subject to what is commonly known as the post-vacation blues, a type of stressed or blue mood that can affect you in the period after returning from a vacation or extended leave of absence.
Just as you're getting used to being home and your work life feels like a distant memory, you realize that your vacation or leave of absence is coming to an end. The thought of waking up at 6 a.m. and racing off to a job seems impossible. 

Having to get back into the routine of work,  and daily life in general can be a source of distress and discomfort as you feel the challenge of settling back in. While it may be unpleasant, the post-vacation blues can be overcome with a little determination and a focus on accepting what the vacation gave you and how valuable your everyday life is. 
No matter how long and hard you've thought about your decision to return to work, and how sure you are that it's the right choice, you need to be prepared for mixed emotions.