Thursday, October 9, 2014

Little Solutions

A beautiful anonymous poem I read........ Focus on what is there and not what "should" be (Hmmmmmm). We all want to be valued and regarded.  
Little Resolutions
"A little less impatient with those we deem too slow;
A little less arrogant because of all we know;
A little less conceited since our worth is slight;
A little less intolerant even when we are right;

A little more forgiving and swifter to be kind;
A little more desirous of the word praise to find;
A little more eager to help others to rejoice;
A little more careful to speak with gentle voice;

A little more effort to see another's view;
A little more willingness to extend to helping hand;
A little more committment to our people and our land;

A little more eagerness to listen and understand;
A little more resole to do what must be done;
And a greater understanding that truly we are one."