Saturday, October 10, 2015

What's your mindset?

Everyday starts with you and your mindset.

Do you have a growth mindset (open minded, flexible) or a fixed mindset (cling to tightly to a single way of thinking)?

For me it is not one way or the other. Your mindset is about your attitude to life and all its challenges. 

How we experience reality is determined by the beliefs we hold and the lenses through which we choose to view the world. Our mindset is the key to the lives we lead. It cannot be over emphasized that your energy goes where we focus our attention and awareness. Pay attention to what you are paying attention to.

Often we’re discouraged because of some tough challenge or obstacle in our way. But a shift in mindset can change everything: 

Life presents us with a wide array of opportunities. It is not about preventing obstacles, but rather, how we can overcome them. When you allow these obstacles to control your life, they have the effect of sabotaging your efforts --- and Even worse, you feel stuck, frustrated, and helpless.

Don't let your fears consume you — 

At every moment we surround ourselves with words and deeds generating a vibration that can create happiness or unhappiness. Your mind and spirit is the most overlooked and under appreciated components of your well being.

 Our brains are powerful and can cause us to imagine the best or the worst. Our task is to contribute the best of our energy to every situation with understanding our effect. 

Thought and words are energy. A positive attitude helps us cope more easily with the daily affairs of life.